
They say the bridge has to come down because it’s deteriorated beyond repair.  To the casual observer you can see what they mean. Since I started going to the bridge recreational like I noticed that it was one good quake away from going under yet the amount of lack of caution people place to huge gaping holes in the concrete is insane. There are places at nowhere that you can literally see the train tracks below. Often we kick discarded whatever into the crack. It’s an easy way to get rid of trash and do some house cleaning.  Except in order for it to fall through it has to hit at the right angle because if it doesn’t it  becomes PART of the hole. Lined around the edges of the hole that goes through the sidewalk and onto the tracks down below there is trash, rusted metal, jagged something or other and broaches  (more on that another time for now just know that’s what we call the huge roaches that live in the crack). All of this crosses my mind as I witness a very young kids barely mastering the art of being bipedal get his foot caught in the crack. Dad who’s there for photo shoot purposes tries to jerk the kids leg UP

I pictured the kids leg getting scratched up,  viruses etc rushing to any of a number of cuts. Illyria stops and stares suddenly seeing the same horror I am.

Dad then jerky the kids leg sideways in the hole like he’s getting ketchup out of a bottle. Kid is crying

Oh you wanna go to the hospital? You’re fine,  you’re fine!”

Please for the love of God take the child to the emergency room. Tetanus shot…something! Anything! And as they walk away I feel guilty over the condom wrappers and toilet paper with questionable material and glass stuffs we’ve kicked in there during our time nowhere


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