My jewish friend,voice of doom and things to come

The bridge was always a given. I crossed it every day and didnt think twice of it. Stolzman and i would ride our bikes on it and stop on it to have a bowl, i crossed it to work,  i crossed it back, it was something i crossed. The zero idea on life is that it’s sort of like a tv series. Sometimes something happens and you can see it having an episode or two arch

There are crossovers

Sometimes though you find a significant action has sent thing into another direction,  it seems like if ever there was a moment to start a new season from it’s that moment

And sometimes something so large happens that it affects the course of the series for several years (seasons) and effectively gives it  a new direction, charges up the batteries and you find yourself living a life of well some sort of purpose. That moment for me was me and my Jewish friend and the first time we met.

The first time we met in person i was sitting on the sidewalk of a tagged up, abandoned burger king. This establishment would later be perceived as a threat to the citizens of boyle heights when plans were made to turn it into  a starbucks, they cried gentrification and they were up in arms almost as if they preferred the boarded up,  graffitid burget king,  but something more ominous was looming and we all didnt know

They’re tearing the bridge down”

At some point after securing cheap beer and walking a lot we headed to the sixth st bridge and from my jewish friend i heard the news that would send my life in a new direction which to this day still is in my day to day life. It didnt make sense at the time,  a bridge wasn’t something that was torn down, not  a landmark,  its like someone telling you the Adobe homes at olvera street were coming down or the hollywood sign was being demolished. But he was right.

I developed a sense of appreciation for that bridge that day because i knew our time was limited.  But that day despite everything that came before it all there was us meeting for the first time and going to the bridge.

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